
This website brings together three important aspects of recognising and rewarding teaching: the Australian University Teaching Criteria and Standards (AUTCAS); the Australian Professional Tertiary Teacher Standards (APTTS) framework and; expert peer review of teaching.  These three aspects form the program of activities of the National Senior Teaching Fellowship awarded by the Office of Learning and Teaching (OLT) in 2015.

It builds on the extensive work carried out on a national Office of Learning and Teaching (OLT) strategic priority project by the team based in Western Australia.  The website titled ‘Australian University Teaching Criteria and Standards Framework’ (AUTCAS) houses much of the outcomes of this project. With the permission of the team, the original website has now been incorporated into this new site under the unifying theme of ‘Rewarding and recognising excellent teaching’.  The original AUTCAS site can be accessed from the home page.  The AUTCAS site will continue to be developed and updated with examples and case studies. It is intended to extend and embed the Australian University Teaching Criteria and Standards (AUTCAS) project outcomes and engagement by working with Australian tertiary institutions in the customisation and application of the processes and resources for their own institutional purposes.

The other two aspects that form part of this website are intended to capture the work and outcomes from the Fellowship program. These are the Australian Professional Tertiary Teaching Standards and Expert Peer Review of Teaching.