National Senior Teaching Fellowship

The National Senior Teaching Fellowship awarded by the Office of Learning and Teaching (OLT) to Denise Chalmers in 2015. The Fellowship program titled “Recognising and rewarding excellent teaching: Australian teaching criteria and standards and expert peer review” was carried out during 2015-2017.

The reports, outcomes and resources will be added to the three sites over the lifetime of the Fellowship Program. Your feedback and comments are invited at any time. I look forward to hearing from you.

The Fellowship program focuses on three complementary areas of activity under the unifying theme of rewarding and recognising excellent teaching. The capacity of tertiary institutions to reward and recognise excellent teaching has been elusive, despite progress being made in the development of teaching criteria and the identification of appropriate and robust evidence

  1. Australian University Teaching Criteria and Standards (AUTCAS)
    Extend and embed the Australian University Teaching Criteria and Standards (AUTCAS) project outcomes and engagement by working with Australian tertiary institutions in the customisation and application of the processes and resources for their own institutional purposes
  2. Australian Professional Tertiary Teacher Standards (APTTS)
    Establish a process of consultation and engagement with the higher education sector to investigate the feasibility of developing a sector-endorsed Australian Professional Tertiary Teacher Standards (APTTS) framework for tertiary academic teachers and professionals as an external standard against which individuals and institutions can benchmark teacher quality.
  3. Expert peer review of teaching
    Investigate, propose and trial a process of external peer review of teaching portfolios for promotion using institutional criteria and for recognition using external standards such as the APTTS, and the feasibility of establishing a registry of endorsed and trained teaching and learning experts to carry out the reviews

Program evaluator
Dr Paul Chesterton

Publications Presentations